I think we can all agree that 2021 was yet another strange year. Maybe not “as bad” as 2020, but it was up there. 2022 isn’t shaping up to be much better, lol. But, I have faith as its still REALLY early!
We spent the first part of 2021 looking for a studio space (one that’s not in my home.) While we had a few prospects, nothing panned out. I figure the time will come. As for now I’m right where I need to be, I suppose.
Laura celebrates her 3 year anniversary with me in February. She has been such an asset. I am truly thankful. I always tell her, the day she quits is the day I hang up my hat as well.
Now on to the numbers:
We photographed 68 newborns in 2020. (Umm, sweet babies, right!?)

With 27 Milestone sessions. (Look at all of those sweet cheeks!!)

50 cake smash sessions (this was WAY MORE than I thought!!!)

13 Child portrait sessions. (Look at those fun glitter sessions!!!)

10 In home lifestyle sessions. (Story telling is my favorite!)

8 Maternity sessions (would have been more, but I didn’t have the availability)

And lastly, 29 Family sessions. (These are already booked for spring 2022, and half booked for fall 2022)

That is approximately 205 sessions! Not including mini sessions, Santa NICU day, and all other volunteer work.
One thing I REALLY missed in 2021 was Fresh 48 sessions. I didn’t do them due to COVID, and most hospitals are only allowing 2 guests. So if anyone is willing to make me their #2, I would LOVE to document that special time for you!! In fact, I think the first 5 to book these will receive a 25% discount. That’s how much I miss them!
Goals for 2022
We all need a few goals, right?
These are in no particular order
#1- Gosh darn social media. I AM SO BAD AT IT!!!!! Maybe this year is my year? I’m going to give it my best effort.
#2- Do at least a few fresh 48 sessions
#3- Really connect with my clients. I feel like I do a pretty good job at this already, but personal connection is super important to me, and something I’m always trying to do better.
#4- Sharpen my skills and continue my education. Fun Fact: I LOVE LEARNING! (and teaching)
#5- Really start thinking about offering mentorships. This has been on my radar for a few years but is not something I’ve ever dedicated a lot of time to thinking of logistics.
Things I’m not going to stress about in 2022
#1 – Finding a studio space. I truly feel this is in the lords hands. I won’t give up on looking, but I won’t stress about it.
#2- Taking it personal when clients don’t come back to me. I was definitely better about this in 2021 than in years past. But honestly, I wear my emotions on my sleeve and always found my self asking “What did I do that didn’t make them happy?” Now, I realize It’s likely not me at all! Sometimes people just like a variety of styles and THAT is OK! (Also, I realize not everyone likes me, and I suppose that’s ok too) 😉
#3 – (this ones hard!) Realizing that I can’t make my schedule work with everyone else’s. This year, my scheduling boundaries are staying firm. My oldest graduates high school in May and you guys can’t even image how fast this time goes, unless you’ve been there – then you can! (Insert breaking Mama heart here.)
#4- Taxes. Taxes KILL small businesses. But you know what. I’m not even going to worry about that anymore. (Don’t worry, they will still get paid!)
And….That’s all for now! Here’s to 2022 being wonderful for all of us!