With some precautions, that is!
*If you’re just interested in the business side of this post, scroll down a bit! The first part is personal!

Personally, Here is how life has been!
Wow. I absolutely can not believe my last session was early March. Sometimes, it seems like forever ago. Other times, it feels like last week!
Here is what I have enjoyed about quarantine. A few things about it.
*The extra time with my kids

*Being a teacher (that lasted about 2.5 weeks before I was TOTALLY over it) but…we survived.

*Getting all the home improvement projects done. Now there are more! ha!


*All of our sweet, sweet animals!

What am I doing business wise?
First off, we are abiding by all government recommendations. My goal is to make everyone feel safe and keep everyone safe at their session. I’ve always taken cleaning/sanitizing pretty seriously (even in my home and car) Now, we are just outlining that a little more so you are aware of what’s going on. Our official re-open date is May 19th, 2020.

I do need you all to be aware, that personally I do follow social distancing guidelines. We are mostly at home, but I do go to the store as needed (with a mask.) We go for walks every evening, we chat with our neighbors appropriate distances apart. So while I am being as careful as I can, I am just as ‘at risk’ as anyone who lives life (as normal as can be right now) but takes precautions. That being said, if you are not comfortable with this, please reach out to me.

To break things down a little more.
Everything will be sanitized before and after each session. From the doorbell button, to the pens you will use, to the railing down the stairs to all props and gear.

Next ALL linens will be washed after every use. We’ve always washed the layers that touch baby and the two immediately under that. (unless soiled, everything was washed) But now, we will wash everything, no matter what!

Myself, and my assistant, Laura will be wearing a mask and face shield at all Studio and Outdoor session. Parents are required to wear a mask as well (unless you are being photographed, you will take it off.).

All shoes must be removed on the porch, before entering. (You may bring or wear your socks if you are uncomfortable with this!) 🙂

I will be using hand sanatizer frequently, and washing my hands before/after every session (Don’t worry, I’ve always done this!). I do ask that you wash or sanitize your hands upon arriving.

We do also ask that you consider a baby only session. This limits the amount of people in the studio at one time, and insures everyone who is able to be masked, is. If you do decide on a premium session (including parents and siblings) We do ask that 1 parent wait in the car with the siblings until we are ready for them in the studio. Once their photos are complete siblings will be required to leave so we can maintain appropriate social distancing.

For outdoor sessions, I will be shooting with a long lens, creating more distance between your family and myself. You do not need to wear a mask at outdoor sessions, however I will be So please prepare your kids 🙂
Finally, If anyone in your house hold is showing ANY symptoms of being ill, or has been around anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19 with in 30 days of your session, PLEASE reschedule and I will do the same. <3
I can’t wait to see you!